Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Bodkin

bodkin versus  safety pin

I made pyjama pants this week, the first pair had a drawstring waist and the second pair an elastic waist. In the past I have always used the humble safety pin to insert the elastic or ribbon through the channel. This method did have some issues but got the job done. So I had delegated  owning a bodkin in the not necessary department until this week. Curiosity  made me purchase one and well after trying it out I wonder how I managed without one. yes a safety pin does the job but like I have said I had issues  the pin opening up while half way around  or too small and would get lost inside the channel or the ribbon would become twisted.
The bodkin is approximately 9 cm long designed like tweezers that grip the elastic, there is a ring that slides down and holds the elastic tightly in place. I have tested it with both ribbon and elastic and am very satisfied. A simply design and easy to use.

Breaking the Pattern- Review

I was excited to see a new sewing book at my local library last week. Without much thought I checked it out. The book is 'Breaking ...